fixing the site up
I upgraded this template to blogger's new version with the supposedly easier to use interface. I suppose if I hadn't tricked out my blog with CSS and HTML then I would be fine but I had so I am not. I have managed to get a background & the font colors are not too bad. I cannot get my Bloglines blog roll to work though. I keep getting a message about XML wants a ; after the command 'folder' or some such & if I put the ; where they want it the blog roll appears as a message saying 'user not found'. I suppose that will get sorted out by Bloglines eventually. I don't have the patience to learn XML at the moment. So I opened each blog I really like & added it manually
I spent yesterday surfing around, jumping from blog to blog and eventually added about 45 blogs to Bloglines, about half food and half parenting. I think I have 112 blogs at the moment, about half are digital scrapbooking related & the other half split between parenting & food, with a few about parenting and food. The blogger all sound like nice people, obviously some have known one another for awhile now. I hope to get to know at least some of them. but I think you have to post regularly to really get to know people & I just don't know if I will have the time. I'm on vaction right now with endless hours of someone else playing with my kids. So I can surf and scrap & post. but come Jan 1 real life begins & we'll see how it goes.